Rachel Gadsden's commission
Welcome from the Accentuate Directors
Welcome to Accentuate News, our new bi-monthly publication that will keep you updated as to what’s happening with the programme, any up and coming events and opportunities. We will also have regular articles including the Directors Blog, an Our View update and a featured project.
We are looking forward to 2010 with enthusiasm and commitment. Since coming into post in June, we have been putting many of the structures in place which we hope will ensure Accentuate can really achieve its potential.
We were delighted by our successful launch event on 3rd December 2009 and were particularly pleased to begin to give you a taste of what might be happening over the next three years, with lively debate and a showcase of some disabled artists' work. We look forward to building on the connections we made at this occasion and the enthusiasm and support shown.
In this edition of Accentuate News, we will review the launch, pick out just some of the exciting developments within our projects and ask you what you would like to see featured in future editions.
All the best,
Emma and Esther
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