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Our View

We now have all Core Members in post and we are already finding their experiences invaluable.  We had our first Core Group meeting back in May and our next one is due to take place this week.  As part of their role the Core Group provide an expert steering committee, ensuring we have deaf and disabled people guiding the programme.  This is all new way of working and because of that we are continually learning how we might make changes to improve this process. They also have the opportunity to come to Accentuate events and we were delighted Kristina came with us to the Gaming launch, which was really appropriate as she is an ex-paralympic wheelchair basket ball player.  As you can imagine this impressed many of the young people involved.

Jon has also set up our Facebook page, which is very new, so do sign up and see what's going on there.


There has been a lot of activity on the Our View blog page on the Accentuate website and we are currently in the process of working out how best to ensure people are aware of these postings.  In the meantime do check it out.

Don't forget to check The Blog for news about Accentuate's activities

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