Colin Hambrook Because
24th-26th May marks a very exciting time for the Accentuate project Up-Stream. This project led by Dada-South and supported by Arts Council South East is a high quality showcasing opportunity taking place over three days, as part of Brighton Festival. After many months of preparation, the most exciting and cutting edge contemporary live and visual art works made by disabled and Deaf artists, will be shown as part of this internationally recognised Festival. The showcase will go “live” on 24th May with many other events happening over the following two days.
Up-Stream will spotlight ten artists and companies producing extraordinary and stunning artworks in the South East. Up-Stream will present work at a variety of venues across Brighton providing a tasty menu of delectable delights ready to
inspire, challenge and surprise.
Up-Stream will provide delegates with:
• Launch, networking and reception events
• Tickets to Deaf Men Dancing’s show, ‘Sense of Freedom’ and Q&A
• Tickets to Freewheelers Theatre Company’s, ‘Your Call is Important to Us’ and Q&A
• Showcase of eleven artists and companies with guided tours of the work
• Seminar
• Market Place featuring all Up-Stream artists, companies and sixteen additional regional artists/practitioners
• Delegate Handbook
The image shown with this article is just one example of the exciting work to be exhibited. Colin Hambrook, artist and writer will be launching the first publication of his thought provoking poetry and illustrations through the Up-Stream showcase.
We unfortunately only have space to show you just one example of one of the artists work, however, please look at the Up-Stream website to give you detailed profiles of all those involved: This website will also provide information about the venues that are involved and dates and times for specific performances. There is so much going on we cannot possibly do it justice in this small article so please do check out the website for more details or to book your tickets for this exciting event.
The Accentuate team is certainly very much looking forward to attending the launch event on 24th May. We hope we may see some of you there too.
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